Emmy, you are 9 months old!!!
Our last single digit month ever :(
These pictures crack me up!!! You are such a character! You have recently become obsessed with sticking your tongue out. Silly girl!
You are a busy bee these days. You are crawling everywhere and pulling up some too. You have learned how to wave bye-bye, play patty cake, clap anytime we say "yay!!!", and shake your head "no." It's the sweetest thing ever! I am so amazed at how quickly you pick up on things. Your bye-bye wave is the cutest; you flap your entire arm!
Mama took you shoe shopping for the first time this month. We had so much fun! We left with a pair of sparkly Bobs and some brown Robeez.
We went to the Delta again this month. It was Aunt B's birthday so we had a cookout at the airport. We love anytime we get to spend with out of town family. I'm always impressed with how well you do when you're not in your "normal" environment. You've been so easy on us!
Reading with Great Grandmother Jewel
Morning snuggles with Pop
We missed a lot of football games this month for various reasons but we did get to attend MRA's 'pink out' game in support of breast cancer awareness.
We left at half-time so we could get back home for bedtime but MRA ended up pulling out a 'W' over Washington School!
Gigi, Pawpaw, Aunt Courtney, and Cousin Katie came over one weekend to play with you! I love watching you and Katie play together. Y'all will be best pals one day!
9 Month Stats:
Weight: 21 lbs (90th%)
Length: 29.25 in. (95th%)
Eating: You still have the same schedule as last month except we added more fruit at breakfast and more veggies at lunch. We tried puffs and yogurt melts this month and you loved them! I got the cutest video of your first few tries at "chewing." You still don't have any teeth so you look like a little old lady trying to gum those puffs. Since you were doing so well with the puffs, I decided to try a mashed up steamed carrot one day. You love pureed carrots so I assumed you would do fine. Not so much, you gagged and threw up all over you highchair tray. We'll try again in a few weeks!
Sleeping: Still great! You're asleep by 8:15/8:30 and we wake you up around 6:30 for school. On the weekends you let us sleep in until 7:30 or 8 :)
Sizes: Size 3 diapers and size 3 nighttime diapers. Mostly 9 month clothing but some 12 month clothing already fits. Still in 9 month footed pajamas. Size 2/3 shoe, depending on the brand.
Play: You're still loving your cookie jar shape sorter, mostly the blocks that go with it! You love to bang them together and throw them. You like to sit on your knees and pull the toys out of your toy bin. You really love the dogs and look at them when I ask you where they are. You're saying a lot of "Dada, Mama/Nana, Bababa, and NooNoo (you scrunch your little nose up when you say this and it's the funniest thing!)"
More pictures from this month:
Helping Mama and Daddy do yard work
Daddy doing the 'airplane' with your food
This is part of your Halloween costume. I was testing it out and trying to get you to look at me so I could send a picture to Daddy but you wouldn't even cut your eyes at me. You're going to be the cutest little lady bug ever!
Getting some Dada lovin'
We went to Cleveland for my friend, Rachael's, wedding shower and we brought along. Everyone just ate you up!
Napping with Mama
Happy 9 Months sweet girl! We love you so so much!