Since we were having a scheduled induction, the morning before we left was pretty relaxed. We dropped the pups off at Pet Smart the night before and the house was spotless because I had already had two days off of work to get things ready. We had to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. so I was up and showering by 3:00 a.m.! It was a rainy, humid morning but we managed to get ready, get everything loaded in the car, and get to the hospital 15 minutes early!
One last belly picture before we left! 39 weeks 1 day!
We checked in, got all our paperwork, got my IV, and Pitocin started by 7:30!
I had the BEST nurse! So thankful for her!
Dr. T came by around 8:00, checked me, and broke my water. I was 1.5 cm dilated. Now it was a waiting game!
To pass the time we played games...
Had everyone guess Emory's birth weight and length..
And tried staying away from this guy- My Step-Dad who ALWAYS has the video camera in your face. (We'll all appreciate him one day for all the memories he's captured but at the time it IS very annoying and he thoroughly enjoys it!)

Dr. T was suppose to be back around 12:30 to check me. Well 12:30 came and went with no sign of Dr. T. By this point I was really feeling the contractions but I wanted to wait until he checked me before I got the epidural (I was offered it several times- they weren't withholding it). He ended up being caught up in surgery and didn't make it to my room until 2:30. I was miserable by this point and way past the point of needing the epidural. Pitocin is no joke. He checked me...STILL 1.5 cm. Are you kidding me??? Disappointed was hardly the word. He told me to go ahead and get the epidural and he would be back later to see if any progress was being made. I got the epidural which would have been no big deal but it's hard to sit still when your contractions are off the charts with very little time between them! Once the epidural was in I was able to relax a little while. Dr. T came back around 4:00 and checked me but I still hadn't made ANY progress. We discussed my options and he basically said he would wait as long as I wanted and give me every opportunity to progress or he would do a C-section whenever I decided I'd had enough. He was so so sweet about it and honestly by this point my mind was made up- I wanted the C-section! He said he would give John and I some time to think about it and would come back shortly. He came back around 4:45 and checked me again and I told him if I hadn't changed at all I definitely wanted the C-section. I was still the same so a C-section it was! Things moved very quickly after that and at 5:22 p.m. our sweet Emory was born!

Emory Elizabeth Weaver
8lbs 14 oz. and 21.5 in. long
Perfectly healthy!
Dr. T said we made the right decision because she had no intentions of coming out that day! She wasn't even lodged in the birth canal!
One proud Daddy!
After I got to look at her for a few minutes she went to the nursery with John and I went to recovery. I had to stay in recovery for an hour or so and I just remember feeling SO tired! I don't know how long it was because I lost all sense of time, but they brought her to me in recovery so we could try out breastfeeding. Little piglet latched on like a champ and didn't stop until the nurse made her!
The first time I got to hold her!
By far the happiest moment in my life!
We are so in love with this sweet angel baby and feel incredibly blessed that God chose us to be HER parents.