I graduated nursing school!! I honestly thought this day would NEVER come! It was definitely the longest two years of my life and I wouldn't go through it again for anything. I have never cried so much in my life! But it's over and now the real fun begins! I still have to pass Hesi, an exit exam given by Hinds, before I can go take boards. I have to make a 900 and I've taken it three times and made 849, 779, and 809. I have until November to make the 900 but hopefully it won't take that long! I've worked wayyy too hard to not get over this small hurdle. I keep reminding myself that God's timing is perfect and when it's time I will make whatever I have to make. Thank you all for your prayers! I know all the obstacles I have overcome in the last two years is nothing short of a miracle!

He definitely gets the BEST Husband award! He supported me every step of the way. He let me yell at him, cry on his shoudler, wake him up at 4 a.m. just so I didn't have to get ready for clinical in silence, cooked, cleaned, took care of the pups, helped me study, helped me do projects, typed papers, etc.. The list could go on for days! Thank you John Boy! I love you so much!
My good friend Jillian :)
My sweet Daddy. Hardest working and most selfless man I know! I love you!
I love this girl! Lara Higginbotham, aka "Higgybottom"
My Mama! I could not have done this without her! Everyday I would get a text or a phone call from her with something encouraging to say. Those text/calls got me through some of the toughest times! She wouldn't let me quit, although I wanted to so bad some days. I love you Mama! You'll always be my best friend!